In the realm of healthcare, the exchange of information between patients and providers can be a critical factor in determining the best course of action. Recently, I found myself in a medical situation where the importance of this exchange was truly underscored.

During a visit to a healthcare provider, I took the time to meticulously detail my family’s medical history, knowing that this information could greatly impact the decisions made regarding my care. Initially, the provider had planned to proceed with just one diagnostic test. However, by actively listening to my input and considering the full scope of information I provided, they ultimately decided to order additional tests.

This decision proved to be crucial, as it revealed changes in my health that required immediate attention, leading to the initiation of a necessary prescription. Had the provider not been receptive to my input, the outcome could have been vastly different, potentially resulting in a delayed diagnosis and treatment.

This experience highlights a fundamental question that extends beyond the confines of healthcare: Would you rather be right or precise? Too often, we become fixated on asserting our own expertise or authority, neglecting the invaluable insights that others may possess.

In the context of healthcare, this can and has had serious consequences, particularly for marginalized communities who may already face systemic barriers to receiving adequate care. Consider the alarming maternal health rates among black women in the United States – a stark reminder of the disparities that exist in our healthcare system. Sadly I have had my own situations as it relates to maternal health which was the driving force behind me starting the Confidence Restored podcast in March 2020 and The Perspective View April 2022.

When we prioritize being right over being precise, we risk overlooking crucial details and perspectives that could lead to better outcomes. By embracing a mindset of precision, characterized by active listening and a willingness to consider all relevant information, we empower ourselves to make more informed decisions and deliver better care.

Ultimately, the choice between being right and being precise is not a binary one. It’s about recognizing the value of collaboration and dialogue in achieving optimal outcomes. As we navigate the complexities of healthcare and beyond, let us strive to prioritize precision, understanding that true wisdom lies in our ability to listen, learn, adapt, and improve.

This article was expanded into a podcast episode which aired 4/26/2024 on both The Confidence Restored and Perspective View YouTube Channels. The audio versions are available at and

About The Confidence Restored Podcast
Launched in March 2020 following a month-long miscarriage the Confidence Restored Podcast was created to help others get mentally “F.I.T” and overcome any trials and tribulations they may encounter. Through personal testimonies of Faith, Inspiration, and Transformation, guests and I seek to inspire and uplift others.
About The Perspective View Podcast
The Perspective View Podcast by CC: America LLC is a show dedicated to discussing diversity, culture, and context beyond the boardroom. DEI today is more than a buzzword on a billboard. It is about creating safe spaces for varying perspectives, ideas, and experiences without fear of being canceled because you don’t conform. Let’s tear down the walls of bias and build a new foundation with an open mind and understanding that the world revolves around the context of perspective.

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